The Look of Success – Seniors Starting a Business

We are healthy, active and ready for more. However, when starting a business and dealing with younger customers, we must convey our vitality and enthusiasm to overcome a natural tendency of many people who believe that old age is associated with mental and physical decline. We need the look of success.

It is not fair, but it is a reality that we can not ignore and must overcome. Studies show that first impressions are key in establishing the trust required in business.

Appearance a Key to Positive First Impression

First impression from faces can predict success. In a study from Tufts University, Department of Psychology, 170 US undergraduates were shown photographs of chief executives of major US Companies. The study found that those executives whose photographs received the highest positive ratings from the students, were actually the highest performing executives with the highest salaries. The study concluded that success is related to facial appearance. [1]

Similar academic studies have been conducted where they asked a sample of voters to select a winner from a line up of photographs. These were elections where the voters were not familiar with the candidates, their platforms or experience. The only information was the photograph of the candidate. In these studies the candidate selected by the sample voters as likely to win, was the actual winner. [2]

What was in the photographs that conveyed the qualities of a winner?

Scientists have not determined exactly which facial features are critical in that first impression. Therefore, even if we are not vain, we should try to improve our appearance, for our customers sake and for our own self-esteem. Ladies know that, but we men should also pay attention top our appearance, especially our facial appearance.

What can We Do to Improve our Appearance ?

If we search the literature on this subject we find that basic steps to improve our appearance revolve around improving our overall Health. Lose weight, drink plenty of water and exercise are the most important actions we can take to improve our health and appearance.

At the other extreme they recommend that we just cover our skin imperfections with make-up. They tell me that today men are also using make-up. Apparently make-up is no longer just for the ladies. I am not sure that I want to follow that path. But that is just me.

However, I recommend that in addition to improving our health we use anti-aging creams that are recommended for mature, aging skin. These creams will also reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Click here to see my recommendation.


Appearance can be improved with creams and potions and they are worth a try. It is a good thing to do. However, an inner glow that is reflected in our face comes from inner confidence and inner peace. Your life experience gives you an advantage and all the strength and confidence you need to succeed.




[1] Nicholas O. Rule et al. “She’s Got the Look: Inferences from Female Chief Executive Officer’s Faces Predict their Success”. Department of Psychology, Tufts University, Medford, USA . November 2009, Volume 61,Issue 9-10,pp644-652

[2] Christopher Y. Olivola et al. ” Elected in 100 milliseconds:Appearance-Based Trait Inferences and Voting”, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, June 2010, Volume 34,Issue 2, pp83-110

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