Wealthy Affiliate Review -( No Sugar Coating Here)

This Wealthy Affiliate Review is my opinion as a satisfied participant in the program. If you already are an experienced internet marketer this detailed review is not for you.You already know that this training works.However, if you are a beginner, please read on.

Program Overview – What to expect

First let me start by telling you that this program can be overwhelming. For the beginner there is too much information, too many resources, very easy to get side-tracked jumping from creating a website, to finding affiliate programs, to establishing a presence in social media, etc.

But if you are focused on your goals, this program is invaluable and a bargain. The learning is structured and easy to follow. Lessons are presented in logical sequence, in courses that lead step by step to success. Stay the course!

Wealthy Affiliate – What is in the Program ?

There are two separate programs for beginners to choose.

A – Online Entrepreneur Certification 

This is the best choice for beginners. It includes 5 courses and 50 lessons, that address all the subjects necessary to be successful in internet marketing. These 5 basic courses are :

1. Getting Started

2. Building Your Own Traffic Producing Website

3. Making Money

4. Mastering Social Engagement

5. Achieve Maximum Success Through Content Creation

Please note that you can not just view the courses or ready the material. It is most important that you complete the assignments step by step. As a rule for every 1 hour of learning, you should spend 3 hours implementing what you have learned. It may take you 3 to 6 months to complete this program, depending on how much time you are able to devote.

However, you will see results as you proceed with the lessons, before you complete the course. You will have a website and you will see it grow as you add posts, affiliate links and start to get traffic. With each milestone reached your confidence will grow and you will be so much closer to success.

B – Affiliate Bootcamp

This is a program designed to teach you how to create a website for promoting Wealthy Affiliate. The program will allow you to earn commissions by recruiting new members and possibly also earn money by providing training within the community after you have reached expertise in a subject.

The program includes 7 courses and 70 lessons. It is more detailed and with more information than the Entrepreneur Certification program. If you just want to promote Wealthy Affiliate then this course is all you need. However, this course is also important if you plan to promote other products or your own website in a different niche. It is important because although the first few lessons are duplicate of the Entrepreneur Certification program, it has important additional information. The 7 courses included in the Affiliate Bootcamp are:

1. Getting Your Business Rolling

2. Content, Keywords and Conversions

3. Giving Your Site Social Value

4. Get Visual, Get Aesthetic, Get a Brand through Media

5. Knowing Your Audiences – Catapulting Your Referrals

6. Bing,Yahoo & the Power of PPC

7. How to Scale Successful PPC Campaigns.

Completing the Affiliate Bootcamp program should take you another 3 to 6 months. As you can see Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme. Your success will depend on your talent for marketing and your hard work.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community – Your Fellow Members

One of the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate is that it allows you to learn from those fellow members who are more advanced and more successful. You can ask questions and you will get answers. Many of the more advanced members offer tutorials and courses on a myriad of subjects

All of this training is found in a Training Headquarters where you will find videos, tutorials and courses organized by subject. All of this training is free !


Wealthy Affiliate encourages this exchange of information by applying to each member a ranking within the community. This ranking is based on your participation as measured by your posts, your questions and answers. Basically the ranking is a measure of how helpful you are to others. Rankings range from 1 and 2 for the founders of Wealthy Affiliate to approximately 200,000 for a new member who just joins.

Members ranked in the top 100 get special benefits from Wealthy Affiliate. They are also assigned to answer your questions on the lessons you are learning. However, all the answers are public, for everyone to see, and you can add your comments to the tread. In addition to making money as an affiliate by referring new members, you may also qualify for payments for providing training to your fellow members.

The Wealthy Affiliate Community – What to watch out for

There are very interesting people from all over the world that have joined Wealthy Affiliate, and you will want to meet them and chat. However, their knowledge of Internet Marketing at the beginning may be non-existent. If your goal is to succeed in this business you must remember that you are here for business. Chatting is for Facebook. So you have to budget your time and be selective in who you follow. At this early stage I want to focus on learning. So I only follow members who are ranked 1000 or lower. These are the members likely with the most knowledge and I can trust their training.

Wealthy Affiliate Tools – What is Provided

In addition to the training provided in the programs, and the courses presented in the Training Headquarters, you have access to all the tools in the platform. These tools include:

1. Website Builder

2. Domain Research

3. Website Performance Measuring Tools

4. Hosting Platform

5. Site Content ( Writing Platform )

6. Keyword Research Tools

7. Support ( Live Chat, Site Technical Support, Q&A )

And of course the Wealthy Affiliate community.

Money – How much Wealthy Affiliate Costs



You can start for free using some of the research available and create a website. However, if you are serious you will soon want to become a Premium Member at $49.00/ month or for a $495.00  annual payment. This price is a bargain since your premium membership includes the hosting of up to 50 websites. I recently transferred to Wealthy Affiliate another website of mine for which I was paying $107.00 for yearly hosting. Just the cost of hosting a few websites elsewhere will exceed the price you pay Wealthy Affiliate for everything.

My Conclusion and Recommendation

If you are serious in becoming a successful affiliate marketer and make money on the Internet working from home, the training and tools provided by Wealthy Affiliate are invaluable. However Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme. You can expect to work diligently from 6 months to a year before you make any significant amount of money.

Your success is up to you.GO FOR IT !

To Get the Most Advanced & Comprehensive Training in the Industry Click here

For any questions or comments you can reach me at carlos@readyformore.com



or build a website for free and see how you like it  

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