Welcome to our Site

Thank you for visiting retiredreadyformore.com. In this website we will share our retirement goals.As the name implies we want more. More experiences, more learning, more friends while we develop a business that will help to finance our expanded lifestyle. If these are also your goals we look forward to sharing this adventure with you.


My name is Carlos. I am a retired Industrial Engineer with broad experience in International Sales and in Management of Manufacturing companies. By nature, I am more inclined to business and making money. Fortunately my wife Heide, the love of my life, keeps me balanced. Her interests are music, reading,learning new languages, and more reading. So we share this adventure of getting old while still remaining active and engaged in life. We live in the USA and have been citizens for close to 50 years. We are originally from Argentina and Brasil respectively and have friends worldwide. It is our goal to reach people in all countries.


We want to connect with people with similar goals to ours. As individuals, we all have different backgrounds, experiences and goals. But as we reach retirement age we all contemplate our past lives, take pride in our accomplishments and enjoy our families. But we also realize that there is still more living to do. Now we have the freedom of time. We can pursue our hobbies, our interests, help our causes or charities, learn new subjects and make new friends. In this website we will present new ideas and help people to connect with places and people that will be helpful in this adventure of staying engaged with life. We aim to appeal to those who are interested in making money and those who search for more knowledge in all areas.

We would like to hear from you

Carlos and Heide

E-Mail: airexpo@aol.com


P.S. We are interested in all life aspects that will improve our well being.This includes the indoor air quality in our homes.

We have a separate website on the subject.  https://improvingindoorairquality.com

We invite you to also visit us there.